Within the Mobile App settings, your Project Manager will turn on your purchased ARS features. After ARS has been activated within the Mobile App, you will complete the remainder of the set up within the Education Harvester that is synched with the Mobile App.
There are two different options that will allow you to turn on Polling, Questions, and Comments for presentations. The first option allows you as an administrator to self-select which features each of the presentations will use. The second option is to use the Education Harvester to create an ARS task. This task should be filtered to the appropriate speakers or presentations.
Please note that if Polling will be used by any presentation, the ARS Task must be set-up and completed for the presentation.
Selection by Administrator
To verify that ARS has been activated within the Mobile App, locate Add-Ons page from the app dashboard. The App Add-Ons page should show the 'Audience Response System' tile in full color, and not grayed out (Fig. 1). If the ARS tile is grayed out, and you believe this feature has been purchased, please reach out to the Mobile App Team via Boomerang.
Fig. 1 - Audience Response Tile.
Next, switch over to the Education Harvester for the same event by selecting the 'Education' icon toward the upper right-hand corner of the page. Locate and select the 'Presentations' icon (Fig. 2).
Fig. 2 - Education Harvester Presentations icon.
Expand any of the date buckets and select the row for a presentation. In the row pop-up you should see buttons related to ARS (Fig. 3). Select the blue ARS button. If you do not see these buttons, please reach out to the Mobile App Team via Boomerang.
Fig. 3 - Caption can go here
On the next page, you will see a list view of presentations focused by Track. To change the focus, select the "Focus: Track" button to focus by a different presentation detail (Fig. 4).
Fig. 4 - ARS Activation page.
Next, notice the five columns related to ARS features. Select the gray check mark for any of the five columns to add a feature to the presentation. Please keep in mind the features that have been purchased for your event.
The check mark will turn green and you will then see a black pop-up message with, "Successfully changed this ARS Option!", after the change has been made. If 'Questions' has been turned on for any presentation, decide on the final two options in the last two columns described below:
- Private Question - This hides questions submitted by other attendees so that users can only see their won questions.
- Disable Voting - This will disable voting and prevent users from seeing and assigning points per question.
Fig. 5 - ARS Option Change Confirmation message.
Reminder: If the 'Polling' check mark has been selected for any presentation, the ARS task must be set-up and completed.
To activate ARS features to multiple number of presentations at the same time, you can use the 'Expand All' button to open all buckets or you can expand just the ones you need. Select the select-all check box toward the upper left-hand corner of the page to select multiple presentations. Then, select the green 'Mass Activate ARS Options' within the footer (Fig. 6).
Fig. 6 - ARS Mass Activate Option.
Then, update the drop down to 'Yes' for the features you would like to turn on for the selected presentations. As a reminder, please keep in mind the features that have been purchased for your event.
If you choose "Yes" for 'Questions,' two other drop downs will appear. Decide if you would like to hide other attendee questions on disable voting on questions.
Then, select the 'SUBMIT' button.
After all features have been added to the appropriate presentations, you can return to the Presentations page. On this list page, you can select the ARS check mark to quickly show which presentations are using ARS (Fig. 8.
Fig. 8 - Presentations Page ARS Column.
As a reminder, the ARS Task MUST be used for any presentation using Polling so the user can add their questions and download the PowerPoint plug-in.