If someone is trying to make a purchase online in EdgeReg and contacts you to let you know that their credit card was not accepted, it is a result of a problem on the user's end or with the merchant setup.
If credit card processing is working globally and you have individual users whose payments are failing, you can access the Failed Transactions report (located in the Registration section of the Reports page).
This report will list all failed transactions and will let you know if the card was declined, has an AVS mismatch, or failed for some other reason that you can share with the user. The details provided in this report are the only pieces of information that the credit card processor provides to EdgeReg.
Registrants that continue to experience trouble will need to contact their credit card companies to find out if there is a restriction on their card that is causing their transactions to fail. Alternatively, the client may want to review the information provided online within their credit card processor's website, or call the processor to see if they are able to provide more details as to the reason for the failure.
If credit card processing is not working for anyone, that means there is a problem with the configuration of your merchant settings. Your organization's merchant admin will need to access the Firm Merchant Settings from the home page to view your merchant configuration, make adjustments and run a test transaction to confirm that it is working. If you are not the merchant admin for your organization, you will need to contact that individual and request that they update the settings. Click here to learn more about merchant admins.
If this does not resolve your problem you will need to contact your merchant processor to troubleshoot.